Follow Woop Woop’s Quest - To make the seemingly impossible possible! 

Follow Woop Woop’s Quest - To make the seemingly impossible possible! 


Woop Woop’s Diary

5 Sep 2024

The SSL Saga and the Cost of Trust

Every great adventure comes with its bumps in the road, and it looks like Woop Woop Bear has hit his first big obstacle on the path to becoming a Fun-trepreneur in 2024. And what’s causing all this drama? It’s something called an "SSL certificate" – a little security feature that’s turned into a much bigger deal than expected!

The Cause: Miscommunication, Money, and Sleepless Nights

Woop Woop Bear thought he was all set to launch his new websites, and The little chap had been busy working on his big plans, from promoting his adventures on social media to printing his website links on t-shirts and leaflets. But things took a frustrating turn when people started telling him his websites were coming up as "Not Secure."

After digging around, Woop Woop discovered the issue was related to a missing SSL certificate—something that ensures visitors see his sites as safe. But here’s the kicker: no one at Fasthosts mentioned this crucial detail when Woop Woop registered his domains. And now, instead of focusing on his creative plans, Woop Woop has been up waking up at 4am trying to figure this out, feeling more like a tech support bear than a Fun-trepreneur!

The Effect: Delays, Disruption, and Financial Frustration

Woop Woop Bear isn’t just frustrated—he’s downright grizzly about the whole situation! The SSL problem has thrown a wrench in his plans, delaying his efforts to build excitement for his 2024 project. His idea was to show the world that you can start with nothing and still create something amazing. But instead of roaring ahead, Woop Woop has been bogged down by technical issues.

And then there’s the money. Fasthosts wants to charge Woop Woop £35 + VAT per year for each SSL certificate—on top of the cost of his domain names. But after doing his research, Woop Woop found that, his current free of charge hosting provider, offers domain registration for just $15 a year, including a free SSL certificate. That’s a huge difference, and it’s starting to feel like Fasthosts isn’t looking out for the little bear trying to make his mark. They’re being shortsighted—because when Woop Woop’s project takes off, he’d likely invest in a computer and have considered using Fasthosts for hosting. But now, he’s rapidly losing trust in them.

The Lesson: When Trust Is on the Line, Look for Ethical Solutions

Woop Woop Bear isn’t one to back down from a challenge, but this one has taught him a valuable lesson: trust is earned, not sold. Fasthosts’ lack of transparency and high costs are making Woop Woop question their commitment to helping small creators like him. Meanwhile, is looking like not only a much cheaper option but also a more ethical one—something that really matters to Woop Woop as he navigates his journey.

Woop Woop’s advice to fellow Fun-trepreneurs? Always do your research, and don’t be afraid to switch gears if something doesn’t feel right. He’s determined to find a creative way around this SSL hurdle and show the world that even a scruffy old bear with a big heart can overcome anything—even the tech troubles of the modern world!

Stay tuned to see how Woop Woop Bear claws his way through this one!

11 Aug 2024

Emerging Gem! 

The Magical Value of Sea Glass

The Magical Value of Sea Glass

The Broken Bottle

Imagine a discarded bottle, once full of life, tossed aside and shattered on the rocky shore. Its pieces, sharp and jagged, are scattered and forgotten, seemingly worthless and lost to the chaos of the tides. But as the relentless waves crash over it, the ocean, in its patient wisdom, begins a transformation.

Over years, even decades, those broken shards are tumbled and polished by the sea. The once jagged edges are smoothed, the sharpness softened, and the once transparent glass takes on a frosted, opaque beauty. What was once seen as trash, a mere remnant of its former self, emerges as something new and precious: sea glass.

This is Woop Woop Bear’s journey as an artist. Like the broken bottle, Woop Woop started as something ordinary, overlooked, and seemingly out of place in the world of art. But with time, perseverance, and a touch of the unexpected, he’s been shaped by his experiences and the world around him. What others might see as quirks or flaws, Woop Woop sees as his unique charm, his creative edge.

Just as the ocean transforms broken glass into a treasure sought by collectors and admired by all who find it, Woop Woop transforms the ordinary into extraordinary art. His work is a testament to the beauty that can emerge from chaos, the value in embracing imperfections, and the power of persistence.

Woop Woop’s art isn’t just about what’s on the canvas; it’s about the journey of becoming, the adventure of seeing potential where others see brokenness, and the magic that happens when you refuse to be anything but yourself. In Woop Woop’s world, every piece of art is a piece of sea glass – a testament to the beauty of transformation and the power of imagination.

You can purchase a piece of Woop Woop's Isle of Wight Sea-glass directly from him to help fund his art supplies. Every piece is a unique gem that can tell a story and is as individual as you. 

22 May 2023

Woop Woop’s Tips for fellow Fun-trepreneurs 

Hey there, here’s some tips on how to embrace your inner fun-trepreneur! 

Let Your Spirit Shine: Embrace your true self, quirks and all. Remember, being you is the key to building genuine connections that last a lifetime.

Show Curiosity: Let your inquisitive nature sparkle! Ask interesting questions, listen intently, and uncover fascinating stories. People love to share, and you'll be amazed at the bonds you can form through genuine interest.

Spread Bear-y Good Vibes: Kindness is contagious, my friends! Be generous with your smiles, lend a helping paw when needed, and sprinkle joy wherever you go. The world needs more positivity, and you can be a furry beacon of happiness.

Paw-sitive Communication: Hone your communication skills by expressing your thoughts clearly and enthusiastically. Practice active listening, engage in lively conversations, and don't forget to throw in a bear hug or two for good measure!

Find Kindred Spirits: Seek out fellow adventurers who share your passions and hobbies. Whether it's knitting, upcycling, or building businesses from scratch, connecting with like-minded souls will fuel your entrepreneurial spirit.

Be a Friend Indeed: Support your pals through thick and thin. Celebrate their victories, offer encouragement during challenging times, and lend a paw whenever they need a helping hand. Together, we can conquer any obstacle!

Trust Is a Bear's Best Friend: Build trust by being reliable and true to your word. When others know they can count on you, your friendships will grow stronger than ever.

Emotional Intelligence is Bear-iffic: Tune in to your own emotions and those of your furry and non-furry friends. Understanding and managing emotions with grace and care will deepen your connections and create a warm, fuzzy atmosphere.

Embrace Uniqueness: Respect and celebrate the diverse perspectives and ideas of others. Our differences make the world more colorful and exciting. Remember, it's okay to agree to disagree, as long as we do it with kindness.

Bear-ify the World with Positivity: Let your optimism radiate like sunbeams! Spread laughter, share uplifting stories, and be the source of positivity wherever you roam. Your infectious energy will inspire others to follow suit.

So fun-trepreneurs, let's embark on this adventure together! Get ready to make friends, ignite imaginations, and influence the world with our bear-ific charm. Remember, life is more enjoyable when we share it with fellow dreamers and creators.

Wishing you bear hugs, endless laughter, and wild success on your entrepreneurial journey!

Yours in fluffiness, Woop Woop 🐻👍

P.S. If you have any bear-y cool friendship stories or tips to share, I'd love to hear them! Drop me a line and let's keep the fun-trepreneurial spirit alive.

22 May 2023
Author, Radio & TV Personality Danny Wallace having a good laugh with Woop Woop

Author, Radio & TV Personality Danny Wallace having a good laugh with Woop Woop

The Healing Power of Laughter in Business

Hey there, Fun-trepreneurs! It's your mischievous buddy, Woop Woop Bear. Today, we're diving headfirst into the magical world of laughter and how it can transform the business scene. So, put on your fun hats and get ready to discover the incredible healing power of laughter in the business realm!

Laughter as the Ultimate Stress Buster:

It might be hard to imagine but…Picture this: a workplace where stress goes "Poof!" and happiness takes the spotlight. That's what laughter can do, my fellow Fun-trepreneurs! When we laugh, we release those fantastic feel-good chemicals called endorphins. These little miracles wash away tension and bring forth a sense of well-being. By encouraging laughter in our businesses, we can create an environment that banishes stress and uplifts the spirits of our amazing employees.

Spark Creativity and Innovation with a Giggle:

Now, let's talk about how laughter can boost those creative juices flowing through our Fun-trepreneurial veins. When we chuckle, our minds loosen up, and suddenly, the gates of creativity swing wide open. By infusing humor and playfulness into our brainstorming sessions or team meetings, we invite a flood of innovative ideas. We Fun-trepreneurs love to think outside the box, and laughter is our secret sauce for sparking fresh insights and groundbreaking solutions.

Forge Strong Connections with a Good Guffaw:

Here's a little secret, my Fun-trepreneur pals: laughter is the glue that holds friendships and business relationships together. It's like a magical social lubricant that makes connections stronger and fosters teamwork. When we sprinkle laughter into team-building activities, icebreaker games, or shared funny moments, we create a bond that goes beyond the office walls. So, let's laugh together, collaborate with joy, and build a vibrant work culture where everyone feels like family.

Tickle Your Customers' Funny Bones:

Laughter isn't just for us Fun-trepreneurs; it's also a gift we can share with our fantastic customers. By injecting humor into our customer service, marketing campaigns, or product experiences, we create a memorable brand identity. A well-placed joke, a clever pun, or a hilarious advertisement can make our customers giggle and fall in love with our brand. So, let's spread laughter like confetti and make our customers' day brighter with our Fun-trepreneurial charm.

Workplace Well-being and Work-Life Balance:

Now, let's take laughter beyond the business world and infuse it into our Fun-trepreneurial lives. Incorporating laughter into wellness programs, social events, or even just having fun activities during breaks can recharge our batteries and promote work-life balance. After all, we Fun-trepreneurs know that laughter is the secret ingredient to happiness and overall well-being. So, let's laugh, play, and create a work environment where joy and productivity go hand in hand.


Fellow Fun-trepreneurs, let's harness the incredible healing power of laughter and unleash it in our businesses. By embracing laughter, we banish stress, ignite creativity, strengthen connections, delight our customers, and promote a sense of well-being for ourselves and our teams. So, put on your laughter caps, spread joy like wildfire, and remember that a business built on laughter is a business that thrives! Keep laughing, keep shining, and keep the Fun-trepreneur spirit alive! Woop Woop!